Monday 9 July 2012

Well, the Batu arrived, but...

Couldn't work, so off to the pool.... this is 2 minutes down the road.
A clear day in Hong Kong, looking East.  Still hot: 34 degrees....
... it was the wrong size.
That's the wood I need for the Keelson and the Transom. ("Batu" = 木 [chāo mù] a kind of Asian mahogany).
It comes from China.  They cut it too thick and had to be sent back.
And... the factory here has to send it back to China and have just informed me they have trouble with Customs for re-importing back to China...[left, click to enlarge]
So they're looking for a place to do it here in Hong Kong and "will let you know" when it's ready....
Meantime, the painting of the house got going in full today and I can't even get to the Jig...
So... it's off to the pool for me....
Round the front all covered for the painting of house

Can't even get to the boat.....
Later: received 10 July:

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